Descriptive part of the book which is devoted to the explanation of figures and different characteristics of animals through illustrations and numbered descriptions of the drawings. The first part is devoted to terrestrial animals (tab.I, pag.1 - tab.XLI, pag.129); the second to birds (tab.I, pag.130 - tab.XXVII, pag.166) with a section devoted to chickens and eggs (pag.166 - pag.253); the third part groups aquatic animals (tabI, page 259 -tab.XXXIX, page 306); the fourth insects (tab.I, pag.309 - tab.XII, pag.331); finally, the fifth part presents the snake (tab.I, pag.332). The Roman numerals of the different drawings of the planks correspond to textual anatomical descriptions. On the explanatory page corresponds to the drawing:"Explicatio Fig. Tabulæ LII. quæ de Carpione, Anguilla, Cuculo & Perca. Harum I. IX. X. XII. AMSTELOD. II. & VII. NEEDHAM, IV. V. VI. SCHNEIDERUS, exhibuerunt". It is not specified whether they are the authors of the texts, drawings or engravings.